Was chatting with
Homer the other day and we were discussing some of my childish behavior.
This is what we remembered.
1. A bunch of lawschool friends were gathered in the lawschool's atrium. I pull out my camera phone and ask two people to get close so I can take a picture of them. They get excited and give each other a hug and give a huge smile for the camera. All this just so I can say "You fools, what in the hell makes you think I want a picture of both of you." I say this in front of everybody and of course everyone's like "oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, that's cold," as the two victims just stand there with a grin that says "nugget, you're an ass, and we just got burned."
2. For some reason Homer always had a brand new pen for class just about every time we had class. How do I know this? Well as the title eludes to I would (and he sat next to me in just every class we had) grab his pen cap (kid of like the one pictured here) and just break it. This would drive him nuts. The funny thing is that he had to know I was going to do that but he insisted in bringing a new pen and pen cap for me to break. Why did I do this? I have no clue, just did it for the hell of it.
3. For the
Freakinrican's birthday, before class, we went to a restaurant to have lunch and for him to have a few drinks. He has 3 beers (one spilled on him by the waitress) and is buzzing. We get to class and another friend gives him a bottle of brandy for his bday. He has a mug already from the restaurant (at this place you get a mug and a balloon in your bday) and we decide to open the bottle and poor him some. As he's drinking this, while in class, he is looking more and more drunk. He says, "I can't have more of this shit." But he still had some in his cup, while he's not looking a fill it up just a little and tell him he has to finish. He takes a sip and looks away. I refill it again and tell him to finish it. This goes one a few more times till he says "what the fuck I should be done with this by now." He realized what I had been doing and takes the mug away. I go to the bathroom get a plastic cup and poor him some more. He drinks it and that was that. By the end of class he was very "happy" and if you know the rican you'd know he'd say something stupid. He blurted something to the teacher, I think answering a question or commenting on something, but since he's drunk he says it loud as hell and of course we all had a laugh at the rican's expense.
4. Once in a while I would crash at Homer's place, ok, I practically lived there for 3 semesters, to which I'm eternally grateful thanks Homer (can you feel the tears pouring?). At his place I did many childish stuff. For example, everytime he came out of the bathroom I would hid and scare him. It worked all the time. Another time he was sleeping, and let me tell you this foo can sleep 24 hours straight, and I, always the early person, run and jump on top of him to wake him up. That had to be one of the times he was most annoyed. Finally, one time I got my laptop out and for some reason I was able to get wireless internet. He's on his computer IM-ing someone and I IM him, while I'm next to him. I IM him and tell him "hi Homer this is nugget's wife. Can I ask you a question?"
He looks at me and says "dude your wife is online and wants to ask me something." I say go ahead. I make some shit up about me lying to her about were I was staying and what I was doing. This made Homer very nervous and did not want to lie to her, but then again he didn't want to let his boy down by busting me out. This went on for a while until I could no longer hold the laughter. He will never admit this but his face was SO RED from the awkwardness of the situation.
5. This will be the last one. I have this habit of lying about the most stupid of things. I'm not lying about the above stories but otherwise I lie a lot. I like to say that I joke a lot. My wife likes to say "you're a pathological liar and you need help." That statement is true, I do need help but then again who doesn't.