There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Undecided recipient of Fool gold's Medal

This is a story that is funny and sad at the same time. This story is about cows, police, and illegal immigrants, if that's not the beginning to a joke I don't know what is.

It seems like you can start a lot of jokes with "in a town in Texas..."

Read the story, as I can't summarize it for you, it's just to funny to comprehend.

So now comes to debate as to who to give the medal too.
1. It could be to the driver of the truck for not closing the door right and letting the cows fly (can't you picture cows flying like in the movie Twister?)
2. It could be to the police for not controlling the situation and on top of that for one of them to almost get run over.
3. Finally, we could give it to the dead cow, why not because of it's death someone is gonna have nice steaks and hamburgers for dinner.

I'll let you decide.

My pick is the cow though.


Blogger * said...

Fantastic drawing. You are obviously in the wrong line of work.

7:47 AM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

Immigrants were my second choice. They're just comming to this country and they're already giving hell to the police.

Thank you, i did this drawing when i wsa 1 year old, i knew i had a gift then and should go back to what i loved doing.

6:23 AM


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