Supermarket Blunder
Since coming to America (pun intended) I haven't had many jobs. I was a paper delivery boy, worked at a grocery store, sports apparel store and as you know UPS and now as an attorney. Can you see the development in my years towards adulthood? Hahahaha, yeah right.
A memory from one of those jobs comes to mind. When I was working at the grocery store I worked in all the different departments, that's right, Jack of all traits, master of none. When I was working in the dairy department, outside of the door we used to stack all the plastic crates where the milk was shipped. At times that stack could go 8 rows deep and about 10-15 stacked in each row. Needless to say if you bumped into one, all would fall.
Anyway, my friends and I used to play this stupid game. When one of us was on the speaker saying "clean up in isle..., or customer needs assistance on isle..." Some one else would come from behind and punch you in the stomach. And those of you who have been punched in the stomach you tend to make this funny sound "huuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh." So from time to time instead of hearing "customer needs assistance on isle 8," you would hear "customer needs asshhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhhhhhh." This used to piss the managers off a lot, but it was funny and we never stopped.
The funniest instance of this childish behavior came when one of my friends was about to talk on the speaker. I was hiding behind the doors inside the milk cooler stacking milk. He didn't see me and proceeded to make the announcement. As he is about to talk I get right behind the door. He begins with "Could I have a manager..." As he's saying this, I jump out and punch him hard in the stomach. So he's announcement was "Could I have a manager in ishhhhhhhuhhhhh."
The funny part is that I punched him so hard that he slipped back a bit. His foot slid on water, he falls back on all the stacked milk crates. You hear on the loud speaker all the crates falling. Once the noise stops from the crates you can hear my friends voice saying, as he's holding his stomach bent over "Oh Shit."
In order for my buddy not to get in trouble I do the honorable thing stand next to him laughing and I hung up the phone so the whole store won't hear the rest. A supervisor goes by him and asks him what happened and he says "I was making the call when Nugget can jogging around to help a customer and he accidentally bumped into me and that's when I fell."
Soon after this the managers didn't find our game funny and told us that if we continued that, that some one would get fired. After that no one did it anymore. So we would just go to the top of the isle's hide there and eat chips and drink Yoohoo. Those were the days