There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Hairy situation

I am in Wisconsin and most people think (regarding girls) big boned girls. Here is a new one, hairy ass girls. There was a lady walking around, with a tube-top, showing some skin. However, skin wasn't showing. I could see more hair than skin on her back. Damn ladies, I know there is a guy for every girl, and vice-versa, but when you're that hairy you can only attract some primate. I know there are medical problems which makes some women hairy as hell. If that's the case cover yourself up, don't walk around showing that. If I look and see that, I'm gonna look behind and see if a giraffe or an elephant is following you as escapee's of the zoo. So what is the Gold Nugget? Hair today, gone tomorrow ladies. Shave, wax, lazer beam that. Remember the only hair that should be braided is the hair on your head, not your back or chin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rican is on again. who knows what one might find in the forest

2:17 PM

Blogger Mariam said...

The least you guys could do is give yourself a reach around and wax your own backs. Oh, and I fully expect a manscaped scrotum.

5:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is more accepted on a man than a woman. You can't justify a woman wearing a tubetop and between the bottom of the tubetop and the top of her shorts was black from al the hair she had. To that girl I say cover up or if your trying to be sexy, go to the zoo to tease the chimps

5:59 AM

Blogger Mariam said...

I don't care what's "more accepted" - I don't want to feel like i'm tracing the evolutionary history of our species with the person i'm getting down with! manscape that shit!

1:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like this topic hit home, and i'm guessing that if true you wounldnt have anyone to "get down with"

8:38 AM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

Hey guys
Lets not throw comments like that out, but if mariam has a good comeback, then it is welcomed

10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i find hairy girl lovely specially mariam , i always visit her site everyday just to see her .

6:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gold Nugget, Out surfing for information on get any woman & happened upon your site. While Hairy situation wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.

7:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Gold Nugget, I had been out looking for some new information on hook up with girls when I found your site and Hairy situation. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.

10:01 PM


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