There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Monday, July 18, 2005

State Fairs

I live in a small town in Wisconsin, before this I lived in Milwaukee, WI. Both places have their fairs. I went to the fair, hoping I would find tons of gold nuggets. Unfortunately I didn't find any, at least any worth writing about. I was expecting tons of differenced between the fair in a small city and the fair in the bigger city. I found none (except the size of the fair, milwaukee's obviously being the bigger one). Everything else was the same, and the list of similarities is as follows:
1. Old, dangerous looking (safety wise) rides.
2. Fat chicks in bikini tops and daisy dukes (I'm am sure they weren't at one point but after so many cheese curds the shorts that were at one point knee length are now daisy dukes).
3. Fat man wearing their t-shirts on their heads like a turban protecting them from the sun
4. The foul smelling odor that barn animals have (to this I have to add that, when I was talking past the Swiss price-winning cow, the bitch had the nerve to take a shit as I was walking by, and it wasn't the huge nuggets I expected to come out, it was the wet shit that when it hit the ground as I was walking by, it splashed and landed all over my legs, feet ( like a dumbass I was wearing sandals), and got my shorts dirty. Let me add thouough that I did take one for the team, as I pushed the wife and kids aside as I watched in slow motion the shit hit the ground and then splash on my legs.
About the latter, I never got why so many people go see the animals at the fair. This comment is not for parents of little children, because I know the kids looking at animals ( I know I have young kids that like this). To those who don't, and I know you're out there cuz I see you walking by looking at them. It's a fuckin cow, haven't you seen one before? And don't tell me that you didn't because, your parents brought you when you were a kid, and if you didn't you sure as hell know what they look like. What is the fascination with seeing chickens, ducks and pigs. You can turn on PBS and see them everyday. Again the question is why do people go to these things. To tell you the truth, I don't know, cuz if I did the message would be the gold nugget. Maybe there is someone out there that can give me a reason for this. People go to these things every year, and every year is the same. There are barn animals (that includes number 2 and 3 above), rides and food. What is the excitement of going to the fair, please advice.


Blogger Gold Nugget said...

I think that is the gold nugget: when in the line of fire (shit that is) throw the kids infront, not yourself. Thanks freakinrican for helping me find it

8:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once pushed my own children in harms way in a similar situation. I felt really guilty about it until I read this post. Thanks you guys, for helping me find forgivness within :-)

9:23 AM


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