There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The bells are ringing

I apologize to my faithful readers, which is one or two (thanks homer and rican), for not posting, but I've been extremely busy at work and haven't had a chance to write.
The post today hits close to the home front.
I have three daughters (the most beautiful girls in the world) and every thing I go anywhere I always get looks, some look at me and smile, and others look at me and shake their heads. I always get stopped and am asked about them. I proudly say that I have twin daughters and a new daughter that has taken another piece of my heart (as I write this I think I wanna cry, but let's move on). After the initial pleasentries, the next remark always follows "I bet you can't wait until they get married, huh?" I think to myself, "I don't wanna think that far ahead, and I certainly can't picture them with a guy." This was always my thought after such comment.
I decided to ask my wife as to why people felt compelled to make this comment. I always thought that people would say this (now the next part is just Hispanic thinking, or maybe I'm wrong and it's the way all fathers think) with the thinking that I'm gonna hate all the guys they bring home, and how I will stand by the door with my shotgun scaring them away (which I will most likely do). My wife says (in her infinite wisdom and she is clearly smarter than I am) "duh, they say this because it is an American custom that the father of the bride pays for the wedding, therefore you will have to pay for three weddings." And just like that it hits me square in the face. I say "you mean to tell me that just as I am paying off my student loans, I will go in further debt paying for a wedding for twin daughters and possible another one two years after that?" My head just spins of all the money that will be spent. If there is a female reader out there you're probably thinking "what an ass, he should be happy spending money on his daughters," to that I say that I am happy to give my money away to my daughters, but I sure as hell don't wanna spend it on a wedding that is with a guy that I will probably hate. If they wanted to go on a trip around the world (for educational purposes that is) and I had the money, I would gladly give it to them. But why spend it on something created by an industry that just wants to put me in debt for the rest of my life.
My solution is this, I will simply use my Hispanic heritage to implement my plan. My plan is that where I come from the guy is responsible for paying for the wedding that is supposed to make his future wife happy. He is trying to impress my daughters, and to some extent me. I'm not trying to impress my daughters (because me being a dad is impressive enough) and I'm certainly not trying to impress the guy who is taking my little girls away from me.
When I got married, I took care of financing the wedding, granted it was a small wedding, but who said it has to be huge for it to be special.
If the guy takes that initiative, then it will make it worth while for me to help them out as much as I can.
To the guys out there, be a fuckin man and take responsibility for this, don't make the father of the bride be the man again, it's time for you to step up and take care of business, the way a man is supposed to.
The gold nugget is to you ladies : if you haven't been married, find a guy that is willing to take the responsibility for the wedding as a man is supposed to, if he can't take responsibility for this then you may wanna reconsider. What I mean by taking care of the wedding is that he should finance most if not all of it. At the same time, don't take advantage of the hold you have on our balls and demand the most expensive of everything. You don't really need a dress that costs 10K, you don't need a ring that costs 10K and you certainly don't need a wedding that is the cost of a house. If both the bride and groom take this advice, you will make the parents very, very happy.


Blogger Gold Nugget said...

cheap? i payed for my wedding, what's cheap about that and it's not that i dont wanna pay for anything for my daughters i just think that if the guy really loves her then he should make all efforts to pay for what's supposed to be her day, u dig nigga?

7:15 AM

Blogger Mariam said...

Well, I personally think that if the ladies wait to get married until they have a job, they can help pay for their own day. I don't want my parents to pay for my wedding, I want them to enjoy and have fun at it. PLUS if my future husband and I pay for it, no one can tell us what we have to do and who we have to invite. Eloping in Maui baby!

7:23 AM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

I forgot to mention that it's not like i would like my girls with a PR anyway cuz u know them niggas dont work

7:30 AM

Blogger * said...

I think you have a point. I think the people getting married should be responsible for the wedding. It shouldn't be automatically assumed that the bride's parents are paying for everything (cultural clash too b/c on my mom's side it is assumed that both families contribute half while husband's family assumes bride's family so they didn't chip in). If the parents want to chip in that's great, but that's voluntary, and not an expectation. My husband and I had a very small wedding and we paid for it ourselves.

10:07 AM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

OK i have to admit something too.
I didn't pay for the whole wedding. In fact my wife payed for everything Just kidding. She did help out and I know if she would've had more money, and I would've had more money we weould've had a bigger wedding. I agree that if two people wanna do this they should pay for it. I have to say too that if my daughters want that little extra something in their weddings that he or she can't afford I would be more than happy to pay for it. I just don't think that all things should be ginven free, i think they have to be earned.

11:07 AM

Blogger chardrian said...

Damn I don't care about any point to this damn thing. I'm just glad I finally figured out who the fricking Gold Nugget is.

1:21 PM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

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2:07 PM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

now that you know RECOGNIZE

2:08 PM


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