There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Who says this?

I was in undergrad and I went to a convention to Iowa for minority students interested in going to law school. I met this girl there who was cool as hell. We hit it off pretty much from the first minute(this was a two day conference). I was right behind her in the registration line and she looked good from behind (which means she had a really nice ass).

As bold as I could be I said to her "where u from." (I know right, very creative)
She says "Chicago - Loyola, you?
Me "Marquette University. Are you here with a group or by yourself"(I know, I know, it already sounds creepy, like I'm gona follow her if she's alone) Anyway we keep talking and so it happens that we have a lot in common. We both like the Bears, we both wanna go to lawschool and we're both hispanic. I'm thinking I'm money. Well after the first seminar we sit together for lunch. She completely ignores me and just talks to the guy next to me.

I gotta give that dude credit, he was as smooth as me.
He started the conversation like this. "so, where you from?" "What school do you go to?"
I think the girl and him had almost the same conversation I had with her earlier. At this point I say to myself "oh well, so much for thinkin I was money"
Just as I'm thinking that she turns to me and rolls her eyes and whispers in close to my ear "can you get me out of here? This guy is driving me nuts with his small talk, even though it was almost the same conversation I had with her.

We go to the next seminar after that the day is over and we can do what we want. I get her number and tell her I will call her later to go out. My dumbass looses her number. I don't call her and we were gonna go to a party that was thrown by the Latino law students from Iowa.

I'm like, oh man this girl isn't gonna talk to me tomorrow. So my friends and I go this party. We're dancing salsa and merengue. I asked this girl to dance and just as I'm spinning this girl and her ass is right in front of me, and I'm ready to grind, who walks in? I look and see her looking at me. I in return spin the girl as fast as I can and kind of push her to the side, as if I didn't wanna dance with her. This other girl gave me a dirty ass look, but just moved on and found a different partner.

I go by this girl (I'll call her Maria Guadalupe Santos Ramiro de la Vega, just kidding, I'll call her Sophia) Sophia looks at me, as a girlfriend would, and says "first you don't call me, now your with a different girls, was this the plan for you?" I try to explain that I lost it, but she's already mad and proceeds "didn't took you too long to find another girl, did u use the smooth lines u used on me?" ouch, she says this very sarcastically.

She ignores me the rest of the night. As the party is winding down, I attempt to talk to her one more time. I apologize, she accepts and we keep talkin the rest of the night. The next few lines are very embarrassing and have never shared with anyone, including my brothers, and I tell them all the stupid shit I do.

We're talkin outside some restaurant and the background music is Sinatra "Strangers in the night" Since I'm so smooth I tell her "u know here we are in this bench enjoying the night, listening to Sinatra, and indeed we are strangers in the night." I proceed in singing (and anyone who knows me knows I can't sing worth shit) not singing loud but softly. This is very embarrassing.

As the song is ending she looks at me and smiles at me. I think the smile was supposed to be laughter as to what I just had done. Anyway, as if that wasn't enough I say to her "wanna come to my hotel room?" She looks at me and says "why, so you can tell your buddies you had sex with me?" ala Ashton Kutcher in that 70's Show, BURN
Again as if that wasn't enough I say "No, I don't wanna have sex with you, I just wanna lay in bed naked next to you, there's nothing more beautiful like the sight and feel of beautiful girl's naked body."

WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT. I can't believe I just said that. I still laugh every time I remember that.

In the end, we call it a night, she gives me a kiss on the cheek and says "see you tomorrow"
I went to my room, and when I got there I realized all the shit I did that night and what a fool she thought I was.
Long story short, we saw each other the next day and exchanged numbers, again.
I visited her once in Chicago, where I had one of the best days ever. But that's for a different post.


Blogger Homer said...

"Long story short".. i love it

1:16 PM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

hahaha, i ended up doind something with her but again thats for the next post

2:24 PM


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