There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Nun's on the Run

What is the world coming to. A client comes in today - wait, let me take that back. A crazy guy stops in our office to make a demand, he'll be known as Nutty Joey (he introduced himself as Joey). Nutty Joey is mad. Nutty Joey wants to sue somebody. Nutty Joey is ... Fucking Nuts. He stops in because he wanted to sue the city (he got kicked out of a public library) because they have unjustly put him in a black list never to let him in again. He had previous encounters were he harassed people, but what he did last week was the straw that broke the camel's back. He got kicked out for harassing a Nun. Who in their right mind harasses a nun. I've never heard of even crazy guys harassing a Nun. This guy comes in here and has the minerals (lets not forget he has a few missing from his head) to say that it was the Nun's fault. Lets assume the Nun was at fault. Who in the right mind is gonna believe that a Nun is the bad person. I'm not saying that Nun's are saints, I've dealt with mean ass Nun's in grade school. But I've never heard a Nun harassing a random person in a public library, or any public place for that matter.

Gold Nugget? That's simple - if you think you can sue a nun for harassment, your dead wrong, the only chance your gonna have is maybe a sexual harassment claim on a priest, they're the guilty ones.

I realize that with my last comment I may piss of some of my catholic readers, but hey facts are facts. Too many scandals involving priests and kids. I would never trust a priest alone with my daughters or son if I had one. Let's get back to the topic at hand though, anyone out there with some crazy Nun stories or related issues?


Blogger Gold Nugget said...

Rican, once again, just when i don't think you can take a step forward(i really should say backward) you do it and cross the line once again.

6:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to realize that all the scandals of the past 50-60 years are coming to light at the same time. This paints the priesthood in a bad light. If you took all the sex scandals of any profession over that same time period, the frequency of sexual misconduct involving priests would be about average. Does that make it right? Of course not. But it does put things into perspective. Priests are human, prone to mistakes just like the rest of us. To say that all priests are guilty or untrustworthy is to say that all lawyers are soulless and belligerent.

1:49 PM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

dear Blank,
Yes they're human and can make mistakes. Yes they have commited very serious sins and crimes. The generalization i use is not to say that all priests are like that, but lately there have been so many incidents of this nature that it makes you think about who u trust your kids with. And, priests, where you're not supposed to have worries, you have to fear and accept that fact. It is a generalization for a reason. That reason is that lately, that is all one sees in the news. About lawyers, i am one and i do have to put up with the jokes and coments about us being soulless and beligerent. At one point, and continues to be so, there are many lawyers who are soulless. That generalization is true to some extent and it's up to me to change that view in the way i act and behave towards my clients and the law. Do i have to put up with it? Yes. Also, most lawyers are beligerent, SO WHAT.

9:25 AM

Blogger Gold Nugget said...

lets not forget who we're talking about. You compare other professions with priesthood. The whole point of it is that priests take an oath, if you will, of selebacy (sp). Not only do they break the oath, but they do it with young boys. You certainly can't compare that to other profession. So it's like comparing apples to oranges.

1:54 PM


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