"So, what's up..."
I was watching seinfeld and I got the idea for today's post. George, always the neurotic, is calling this girl that Elaine is hooking him up with. The next day George walks into Jerry's apartment all exited and says that their conversation was so good that he didn't talk about the list of things he had planned to talk about. There are other episodes were it is mentioned that he has a list of things to talk about so the conversation doesn't end up with both people saying the above mentioned title. It got me thinking ( I have been married almost 5 years now so it's been a while since I had the "first" call to the significant other) did I ever do that?
I gotta admit, I may not have written a list, but I sure as hell had a list on my head of things to talk about. For the most part it always ended up with either me not using my topics because we both had so much in common or the other person and I just didn't click and it didn't matter the topics I had, the conversations were just dull.
One of those conversations comes to mind and I will try to re-enact it as closely as I can (since my ass is so old and this happened when I was in high school. By the way the girl's name was Tikka (if that isn't a black girl's name I don't know what is). Little background, met this girl in a club and is the first black chick I hooked up with, girl was fine but as you will see the conversation not to good despite my exiting predetermined topics.
Me: Hey Tikka what up, this is Ricardo
Tikka: Haaaay, what up.
Me: Just calling to see what you were up too and see if you wanted to kick it tonight
Tikka: Fo reeeeal. Can't dude I'm finna go with my babygirls (her friends) out tonight.
Me: oh aight (at this point I wanted to hang up to avoid a bad conversation but she kept me on for a while)
Tikka: I still wanna talk to you though, we had a good time last night (don't get your minds in the gutter, we danced pretty much all night, she was shaking her booty, and I was loving it)
Me: So what up?
Tikka: Not much
Me: (first planned topic) So you like dancing (I know, cleaver isn't it?)
Tikka: Tadaow (I assumed this meant yes)
Me: you like that club
Tikka: Tadaow
Me: (I'm thinking this isn't going good, topic two, this is highschool by the way) what else u do besides go to clubs...you party a lot at friend's house?
Tikka: tadaow
Me: Yeah I like going to friends parties too
Tikka: Haaaay
Me: You going to one tonight?
Tikka: Tadaow
Not to make this too long but as you can see every response was either "tadaow" or "haaaaaaay"
Here is, from what I remembered things to talk about
1. Talk about her highschool
2. Does she play sports in school
3. Does she drink or smoke (either one)
The list goes on about shit like this but I think I only did a couple since I was getting no responses and no matter what I talked about it was just a shitty conversation, needless to say I never called her again. Apparently she did like me though since she called me about 6 times after that and got the picture since I never came to the phone. I guess I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there that does this, either writes or thinks hard about what to talk about before making that first call. Let me know.
I forgot how likable u are. So the first time you called you were never nervous that conversation would go bad, i mean it's different when you click at a club or bar, there's shit going on and other stimuli to distract the awckward moments. On the phone it can be really good or take a spiral downward. Given your charm and expertise please advice
2:28 PM
oh my gosh that's the most awful conversation I've ever read. i can't believe you didn't just interrupt and say "i'm sorry, but i'm losing braincells talking to you. Good bye!"
ONE of the reasons I knew my husband was the man for me is that we both agreed that there are times when there's silence in the course of a conversation and that's OKAY and it's actually frustrating that people feel the need to fill it up with something rather than sitting the silence. But I know what you mean - i do feel that pressure sometimes with certain people.
I never had a set of questions/topics to discuss with people. I figured I would just take my cue from what they said.
6:55 AM
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