There are Gold Nuggets everywhere, I will find them and post them.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Going down Hill

I'm going to need some corroborating stories after this post. I was talking to a friend of mine last week about how time flies and how old we felt after talking about the glory days. Then, the Rican had a post about old school jams, and that got me thinking about today's post.

I remember turning 25, aaaaaahhhhhh the great days. Some people told that when I reach 25 I would feel old, but that was not the case. For some reason to me that felt like the perfect age. I wasn't too old to hang out with the college crowd and not young to hang with the professionals (30 somethings).

At that time I was in fairly good shape, went to dance clubs a lot and played soccer regularly. I drove a green Honda civic that was new at the time and was a nice ride. It was fast, had a good stereo system and had nice rims. Anyway, I really felt cool (I dare not say hip, see previous post), and mature.

Then I hit 26 and for some reason I felt old as hell. What the hell happened!!! All of a sudden, my car didn't seem that cool, I felt old around the college crowd and I certainly wasn't up to date with the latest songs and slang. I Suddenly became disconnected from everything I knew to be cool. I felt old in dance clubs (I don't feel like that anymore about dance clubs, but since it's been a while since I go to one I dare not step on the dance floor, unless is Latin dancing and then I have no shame of my skills) .

Luckily around that time I was in Law School and a lot of my friends are a lot younger than me, and hanging with them didn't make me feel as old.

Fellow bloggers, what was the age that hit you the hardest. Like I said, for me it was 26, it hit me like a ton of bricks.


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