Vehicle of choice
I went back to Milwaukee this weekend and I had to drive around the Hispanic ghetto. Coincidentally the Hispanic ghetto is right next to the black ghetto and right above both the Hispanic and black ghetto is the Asian ghetto (surprise, surprise, do you think the government planned this?).
Anyway as I was driving trough this area I had stop and look at what these people were driving, it's funny but certain cars are associated with certain people. Let the stereotypes begin:
Puerto Ricans - They LOVE Toyota. I don't know why, but every PR I've known has or has owned a Toyota. Maybe Mr. Toyota married Ms. Diaz (I know 7 girls with this last name that aren't related so I picked this as the common PR last name). What ever the reason, you will not find a PR with out this car. If they can't find a suitable Toyota then Honda will do. The car is usually beat up and if it's new it's probably stolen.
Mexicans - Chevy is their first love and if this doesn't do it then Ford definitely does. Mexicans love American cars. You ask why? The reason for this is that American cars are BIG, and they need to pack every single family member in one car. There's a reason why Mexican travel in packs (in one car), it's most likely their immediate family, but in case their immediate family is small, they'll pack cousins and uncles if they have to. Just so they can fill the space of their Chevy (pronounced like the actor Chevy Chase). The car is old and if new then it's probably Stolen.
Blacks - Cadillac. Most of the time is a busted ass Cadillac. They like it because Cadillac is a luxury car and a busted ass Cadillac is a luxury as they'll get. They also like big cars so they can put "Big Mama" in it and all bebe's kids. And if the Cadi is new, it's probably stolen.
Asians - They stick to their own. They only drive Toyota, Honda, Kia and Nissan. They like these cars because their small, compact and fast. They don't need a big car because they're small and want to be able to see over the steering wheel. Asians have money so it's not surprising to see then driving a new car.
I gotta tell you, with the other races they have very seldom been in other cars, but I have never seen an Asian on anything else but an Asian car. If they want luxury then they go with Lexus or Infinity.
Jews - I don't know the reasons why, but whenever I drove through the predominately Jew neighborhood it was always a Lincoln (continental or LS) or a Mercedes Benz. I'll let Homer explain that on his blog. My guess is that since they're all doctors, lawyers or bankers, they can afford these rather expensive vehicles. And, if the car is old then they're not Jewish.
Rednecks - Only American. They wouldn't be rednecks if they drove anything else. It's usually a pickup truck and it's usually not newer than an '89. It usually has junk on the back, and it's stuff that at some point they will decorate their house with (or should I say trailer). They don't keep their cars new so, even if it's a "newer" model, it looks like shit because of the junk in the back.
Don't hate bitch, i threw that in there because i know of PR that drive this as default, meaning they couldnt find the suitable Toyota.
2:02 PM
As far as the asians go, I think it's merely a sign of the times. Everyone's parents I knew growing up drove GMs or Fords. Its their kids that got the Asian vehicles and mostly because they want to be "trendy/fashionable" by picking a popular vehicle. Of course, now that their parents are better off than when they first came off the boat, they are also buying the japanese cars, except for those that can afford the BMWs and mercedes.
8:11 AM
Gold nugget is an equal opportunity discriminator
10:43 AM
PS - I loves me the Toyota!
3:25 AM
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