Keeping it Reeeeeeeeeal
Did anyone happen to catch the tonight show yesterday? Well if you didn't you missed a good one.
I like Chris Rock because everytime he says something, he laughs about it but it is something that is closer to the truth than any of us would dare say.
Chris (look at me, I talk about him as if he's my best friend) starts talking about the Hurricane and black people.
One of the things he said was, and the quote may not be exact but you'll get the point: "I'm proud of black people, the Hurricane tells you how strong black people are. White people aren't as tough, you know why don't see white people on the news, cuz they either ran away or they died, and Black people survived around water, and we don't take well to water" The last part was tough for the crowd to swallow, they laughed a bit but not a lot because, although it was funny, just the situation itself is nothing to laugh about. No one wants to laugh at the death of others.
In the same segment he said the following "You know all the people that didn't vote for Bush, they were the ones left up in the roof tops. Damn man, I'm surprised he didn't blast them away, you know he could've done it!"
How is that for truth. He may not say it in a politically correct way, but calls it as he sees it. That's the great thing about comedy, if you're a good comedian and you say something that others wouldn't but you can still laugh about it, the point made really sticks to you.
I guess I like this kind of humor, that and watching people hurt themselves, although I have cooled down a bit from the latter because of Karma.
Anyway the gold nugget is this: If you got something to say that is a bit edgy throw in a funny twist it may help you, if anything else just quote Chris Rock and even white people will get away with saying something racist.
CR is awesome!
7:41 AM
8:11 AM
reminds me of that time ur ont he bus with big mike and some dude or something says "keepin it reeaaaaaal"
howd that story go?
10:01 AM
That will be the next post
10:06 AM
I love Chris Rock! I think the thongs he says are off the hook!
1:59 PM
I caught the episode. I'm a big Chris Rock fan. So many situations in life call for a good Chris Rock quote.
11:31 PM
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